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Jul Oct

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“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”

― Andy Warhol.


Change is more than nickels and dimes. In fact, things will always be changing to some degree….not just the foliage. And what better time is there to think about positive change?


To simplify some solutions for creating change, you can be reminded daily by a few keys on your computer, smartphone, or iPad keyboard. Here goes:


1.    SAVE. On our electronic devices, we want to hold on to valuable work-related projects, photos, songs, website links, and other important stuff. We should even back it up in the clouds or on a disk. In life, whatever’s working for us should also be saved, tweaked, and nurtured. You know the old saying: “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” Just make sure that it’s really working. Checking out the results will give you a clear answer.


2.    DELETE. If there are thoughts, things, relationships, or habits that are draining you of your energy and spirit, it’s time to press the delete button.  Things can become dated, dusty, dangerous, worn out, or useless in a flash. Look at how fast the current version of the iPhone becomes old news. It can be a challenge to let go and delete, but when we do, we make space for something better.


3.    REFRESH. A weekend away, a power nap, a good laugh, a cold drink, a good workout― these are all refreshing. No matter what cool ride you drive, if it has a motor it needs fuel to keep going. And for a motor to run smoothly, it needs care and maintenance. To embrace change we need to face it with a refreshed, updated perspective. It makes change much easier. Often, the more we slow down, the more we get done with a renewed focus.


Change is constant and can be a challenge. Arnold Bennett says “Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.” Stick with it. Overcome the fear of the unknown and rock forward a step at a time. You’ll be glad you did!